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Exploring - Dec 14, 2023

The date of 7th December 2023 corresponds to the beginning of the twenty-first of the 24 Chinese solar terms. More precisely, the solar term begins at 09:33 UTC/GMT on the 7th, when the Sun reaches 255 degrees of longitude on the ecliptic – which represents the path of the Sun’s apparent annual movement against the stars.

The Chinese name for this solar term is daxue 大雪, which translates into English as ‘Great Snow’ or ‘Greater Snow’. Daxue 大雪 runs until 21st December.

As explained in another entry on this website, the Chinese ‘solar terms’ are based on the division into 24 segments, each of 15 degrees of longitude, of the Sun’s apparent movement over the course of the year on its path, known in astronomical terminology as the ecliptic.

This tradition originates from the observation in ancient China of natural phenomena and rhythms, and its content and immediate applications have clear agricultural and meteorological relevance. However, its applications go well beyond that.

Even today, this tradition is still respected and followed both in China and in Chinese communities worldwide.

On the same day, 7th December, and at the same time, a new Chinese solar month begins under the rule of the terrestrial branch zi 子. This month, popularly known as the Month of the Rat, lasts until 4th January.

Some Chinese almanacs make predictions based on the relationship between the sign of the Rat and the other signs of the Eastern zodiac.

The Rat’s energy (qi 气) belongs to the same family as the signs of the Dragon and the Monkey because the same element, Water, circulates through all three signs, creating an environment of familiarity between them.

In popular tradition, the Rat also has a ‘secret ally’, the Ox, a sign that – at least in theory – tends to benefit from the months and years of the Rat.

Finally, the Rat and the Horse occupy opposite points of the Eastern zodiac, creating a clash that, while not necessarily harmful, is certainly challenging and stimulating.