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Application - Sep 25, 2023

What is the Life Pillars application?

Do you think the exact moment you were born is significant? Some philosophical traditions believe that moment is meaningful!

In the report presented by this application, read what the moment of your birth means regarding your personality and your life. There are two app versions, one free (shorter) version, and a paid version.

The application Life Pillars is inspired by an ancient Chinese science, known as Bazi 八字 or Sizhu 四柱, that sees time as a source of meaning and not as a mere succession of seconds, minutes, and hours.

In other words, each moment is seen not just as a meaningless mathematical abstraction but as the reflection of a specific configuration of the universal energy Qi 气, which underlies everything that exists or happens.

What is born at a given moment (such as, for example, a human life) absorbs and reflects the state of Nature and the Cosmos at that very moment. Hence, many believe it is possible to obtain some information about people's lives and their personalities based on the moment and place of their birth.

This report presents the main personality forces that tend to dominate your behavior.
For some, it may be a mere curiosity and entertainment. But, for others, it could be something more serious, a gateway to a rich universe of wisdom and spirituality.
Note for those already familiar with the Chinese Bazi 八字 technique: this application calculates the "four pillars" of birth of the person (correcting the birth time to get the true birth time) but it should not be seen as a reading of the Bazi chart as a whole. The Life Pillars application selects some of the main driving forces of the Bazi chart, namely the Day Master, the main qi of the earthly branch of the Month, and those "ten gods" (profiles) shishen 十神 that have a root.