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Fraser, Li Huisheng

Fraser, Li Huisheng was born in Guangzhou (formerly known as Canton) in southern China. He has been an English-Cantonese-Mandarin translator and a trekker since 2008.

Fascinated by cultural exchanges, he seeks to know the ultimate truth of life and live outside the box. What then? And so what?

Chinese Way - Feb 10, 2024
Why is Dragon the Most Revered Chinese Zodiac sign?
2024 is the Year of Dragon in China. The sign itself is the utmost symbol of auspiciousness and mightiness. 
Chinese Way - Dec 21, 2023
Winter Solstice, an important Chinese solar term
Winter Solstice, or 冬至 (dung ji in Cantonese and dongzhi in Mandarin), is the twenty-second of the twenty-four solar terms in the traditional Chinese calendar, a day falling between 21st and 23rd December. 冬 (dung/dong) means ‘winter’, while 至 (ji/zhi) in this context connotes ‘extreme’.