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Luís Ortet

Luís Ortet is the founder and managing director of Delta Publish Ltd (Delta Edições Lda). He was the editor-in-chief of Macau magazine (Portuguese language edition).

His main interests include Chinese culture, the Chinese language and etymology, and the history of thought, especially divination, as viewed by both ancient China and classical Greece.

Today Is - Nov 21, 2023
November 22rd, 2023
This Wednesday, November 22rd, 2023, is the tenth day of the tenth lunar month of the year of the Rabbit. It is the day of the MONKEY, which is in harmony with the Rat, the Dragon and the Snake but tends to challenge the Tiger. A child born today belongs to the Wood element in … Continued
Today Is - Nov 17, 2023
November 18th, 2023
This Saturday, November 18th, 2023, is the sixth day of the tenth lunar month of the year of the Rabbit. It is the day of the DRAGON, which is in harmony with the Rat, the Monkey and the Rooster but tends to challenge the Dog. A child born today belongs to the Metal element in … Continued
Minds - Nov 5, 2023
O Fortune like the moon you are changeable, ever waxing, ever waning; hateful life first oppresses and then soothes as fancy takes it; poverty and power it melts them like ice. [in the original Latin: O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis semper crescis aut decrescis vita detestabilis nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem, … Continued
Minds - Jan 2, 2023
W. S. Maugham: A Mysterious Epigraph
Sometime in the 1930’s, renown English writer Somerset Maugham wrote a mysterious epigraph. The short text was written as an opening for John O’Hara’s most famous work, published as Appointment in Samarra.