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the Time Oracle team
Chinese Way - Feb 4, 2024
February, the month of the Tiger
This 4th February corresponds to the beginning of both the month of the Tiger and the Chinese solar term Lichun 立春.
Chinese Way - Nov 16, 2023
The Fifth Great Invention of China: The 24 Chinese Solar Terms
The well-known ‘four great inventions of China’ are papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the navigational compass. They are celebrated as emblems of scientific and technological advancement in ancient China.
Chinese Way - Oct 27, 2023
Chinese Solar Terms and the Zodiac
In recent decades, the Western signs of the Zodiac have become popular because of an increasingly widespread interest in astrology, the ancient belief in a connection between the movements and positions of the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars, and human events.
Fortune - Sep 18, 2023
Your Mission in Life
To know your primary personality type and mission in life according to Chinese tradition, go to our Life Pillars mobile app (you can download it on App Store or Google Play) and input your birthdate information. The app will let you know your PERSONAL ELEMENT (your Day Master) and other details.